Mit der #208 ist neueste Ausgabe der Paintball Games International im Handel angekommen. Die Themen der "The Conflict Issue" genannten Ausgabe versprechen wie immer einigen Lesespaß:
As Bob Long (or was it Mahatma Gandhi? I forget…) once said: Every fight is on some level a fight between differing ‘angles of vision’ illuminating the same truth. And, being enlightened individuals, the guys at PGi take the same viewpoint, which is why they dedicated this issue to some of the major conflicts illuminating the truth of 'ball this month…
The Industry Vs The Player: Robbo explains why the powers that be are playing poker with your sponsorship dollars. Better hope they have a good hand…
TV Vs Paintball: Paul Richards brings us the inside scoop on The Smart Parts World Paintball Championships. This ain't your daddy's Paintball.
NPPL Vs NXL Vs The Gardener/Braun Axis: The spectre of the cold war looms large again…is Mutally Assured Destruction on the cards?
Arsenal Vs WDP: Beau and JC reveal their angle of vision on the team's split with WDP and the Markus feud.
Shocker Vs The New Breed: Can an 03 platform compete with the latest machine guns? We test the latest incarnation of the Dynasty Edition to find out.
Players Vs Refs: Boogie gets in the ring with Robbo
Tired of conflict? Never fear, we have some hippie articles with flowers in their, er, paragraphs…
Mind Games: Split-second calls decide games – learn how Miami Raiders train to make the right ones.
For your Eyes Only: Dynasty dissect field awareness.
Californication: We unveil the latest teen superstars from the other Sunshine State.
WGP Trilogy on test; first pics of the Angel One
Plus NPPL Tampa, Millennium Madrid, CFOA Smoky Mountain, Justin 'LJ' Schwarz and more.
PGi: Starting wars since 1989.