Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

24. Mai 2005

Paintball Games International Issue #195

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 23:24

Eine neue Ausgabe der Paintball Games International ist erschienen. In ihr schreibt Pete "Robbo" Robinson über den Tod des Turnierpaintballers und zudem finden sich noch weitere Themen in der Ausgabe #195. Einen Ausblick findet man in der folgenden Inhaltsangabe:

Enjoy it while you can kids, cos Paintball's death knell just sounded. Guess it's time to take up that real estate job your dad's been talking up, buy some nice check trousers and take up golf.

Why? Cos ramping guns just killed tournament Paintball – only like a chicken with its head cut off, tournament Paintball doesn't realize it yet and is still running round like a wild thing.

Don't believe us? Then check out Robbo's article this issue – the big guy is mad as all hell, and has some pretty radical solutions which he thinks can get Paintball back on the semi-auto only track without compromises. You need to read this.

And once you've digested that, you can get into the sumptuous banquest that is PGi #195:

Angel G7: It costs more than the trailer you call home, so should you sell up, buy one and live in a trashcan with Oscar the Grouch? We reveal all…

What's Wrong with the NXL: An inside view on the troubled superleague

Body in motion: Dan Dan the Snack Man from the Philly Americans gets plyometric on our collective backsides

Innovate or Die: Sergey Leontiev is using the Toyota Technique to revolutionize Paintball. What's the Toyota Techniqe? Buy the mag and find out…

Inside secrets from XBall's winningest coach, Mr Darryl Trent

Under Pressure: How to cope when the hammer's down: Nicky Truter tells all

Gun Tests: Indian Creek BKO & Pro Classic Automag

Tourny Reports: PSP Orlando, Max Masters & CFOA North Carolina

Plus ProGear with JC Whittington, new gear from RMR, Ricochet, Hybrid, Redz and more, and every single bit of juicy gossip we could wring out of the various moles, snitches and deep throats we employ around the world.

PGi: Keeping juvenile delinquents in gainful employment since 1988

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