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24. Juni 2006

Evil Shocker

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:00

Die Shocker von Evil sieht noch so aus wie die erste CAD-Zeichnung aus grauer Vorzeit. Doch der reale Body sieht um längen schöner aus:


Shottimer BPS Messgerät

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 09:45

Zu einem Preis von 89$ bekommt man folgende Features:



16×2 Character Alpha numeric LCD Display

Adjustable LCD Contrast

The Range is 4 inches to 3 feet, depending on the loudness of the marker

Displays Fastest ROF in Milliseconds And Balls Per Second

Displays Average ROF and Slowest ROF in Balls Per Second

25 Shot Memory, Displays the BPS of each of the first 25 shots

Low Battery Indicator

10 Minute Power Save

99min Game Timer (example: 1:30)

Upgradeable Firmware With Removable Chip

Most Accurate Way Of Timing ROF For The Use Of Paintball Markers

Operates off of 1, 9 Volt Battery (Battery Included)

ShotTimer(TM) is used to measure the time between shots fired by a paintball marker. ShotTimer(TM) can also be used to test your shooting ability and allows you to look at the Fastest MS/BPS, Slowest BPS, Average BPS, and stores the BPS of up to 25 shots in memory. ShotTimer(TM) is the most accurate way of measuring the ROF of paintball markers. Referees can use ShotTimer(TM) to time ROF of markers before/during games and also time paintball games (like a stopwatch).

For more information you can go to or




Paintballstar Video Russian Legion vs NYX

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 08:59

Der Paintballstar hat ein erstes Video vom PSP Chicago 2006 Event online:

PSP Chicago 06 – Russian Legion v. NYX
Description: Russian Legion takes on NYX. Note: the bottom right number on the NXL's scoreboard doesn't work properly!   
Filesize:  32.42 MB

23. Juni 2006

Russian Legion Team Shocker

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:21

Nach der ND-Shocker gestern kommen heute die ersten Bilder der Russian Legion Shocker ans Tageslicht. Das Design dieser Team Variante ist sehr radikal und wird sicher nicht viele Freunde finden. Hate it or Love it war wohl die Devise beim der Gestaltung des Bodys. Hass oder Liebe, entscheidet selbst:

Bob Long Neue Firma

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:03

Die Presseerklärung mit mehr Informationen zur neuen Firma findet Ihr im Anschluß:

Bob Long is pleased to announce the creation of his own Development, Sales, Marketing and Distribution company called BOB LONG TECHNOLOGIES. Bob has brought in Dan Kereluk (formerly of Custom Products) to help with the Sales and Marketing and Product Development side of Bob’s new venture.

Dan brings 16 years of paintball experience with him and says, “I am very proud to be working with Bob Long. Bob is the most honest and sincere person I have ever met, and he is very determined to bring the highest level of products and services to the paintball community as a whole.” Bob’s main goal with his new company is to offer a new level of access to Bob Long; whether it’s product related, a repair issue, or just to talk about game strategy. Bob wants to be involved in every aspect of helping dealers and players.

A new website is being launched ( to help dealers and players keep up with Bob. The new site is designed to help keep dealers informed about new products, pricing, and technical information as well as where Bob and his team will be around the country and around the world.

It is important to Bob that dealers and players recognize that Bob’s relationship with National Paintball Supply remains strong. In fact NPS will continue carrying Bob Long products. However, Bob feels that it is smart to offer everyone a choice, and he hopes that dealers and players will find this choice refreshing.

Bob or Dan look forward to answering any questions you might have about Bob’s new venture and can be reached at (925) 625 7929 for Bob or (602)463.1048 for Dan.

22. Juni 2006

Naughty Dogs Team Shocker

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:48

Die Bilder und Fakten zur Naughty Dog Shocker wurden vor wenigen Stunden von Rocky Knuth veröffentlicht. Details die diese Team Edition Shocker von den bisher veröffentlichten Shockers unterscheiden sind: Breakbeam Augen, Griffstück mit Rail und vergrößertem Triggerguard, neuer Inlineregulator und ein Body mit Cocker Laufgewinde. Der gesamte Markierer wurde von Grund auf überarbeitet und diese neuste Shocker Platform nennt sich "NXT".

Alle Fakten zur Naughty Dogs "Team" Edition Shocker:

The Naughty Dog shocker gives way to sleek muscular lines, swept back features and finely cut scallops that continue our tradition of style but not affect functionality. This isn’t your ordinary Shocker; it has been completely redesigned from the ground up. The Dogs Shocker is built on Smart Parts Shocker "NXT" plat form. Smart Parts looked at every component on there previous Shocker design and improved on every aspect.

Below are the New Features:

Break Beam Vision – The latest and most reliable anti-chop Vision technology is fully incorporated into the Naughty Dogs Shocker body with no external wires or wire covers running from the grip to the eyes.

Integrated Air Rail – Loose the drop forward and even the rail adapter.  The integrated rail system allows 3/8" inch dovetail air system accessories to mount directly to the grip frame, or use traditional inline mounting screws.

Rail Mounted on/off ASA – Positive air system control means longer o-ring and solenoid life.  The easy to clean and rebuild design means a lifetime of reliable operation.

Feature Packed Grip Frame – A built in snatch grip and expanded trigger guard with huge finger space are complimented by threaded lock pins which make the trigger, circuit board and on/off button easier to change yet more secure.  Recessed frame screws disappear into the grip frame for a cleaner look.

Four Point Naughty Dog Adjustable Trigger – The fully adjustable trigger can be dialed in to suit any taste, without needing to open the grip or remove the grip frame.

New Regulator – The new Shocker NXT regulator in the Custom Naughty Dog Sleeve offers increased flow rate for maximum velocity stability.

Sculpted Ball Detent Assemblies – Left and right spring loaded ball detent assemblies are multi-axis CNC machined to integrate seamlessly into the body. They prevent double feeding and provide easy access to inspect and clean the break-beam Vision eyes.

Harder Anodized Aluminum Finish – The new Shocker anodized aluminum finish is harder and stronger than ever before, to keep the Naughty Dogs Shocker looking good even under the most abusive tournament conditions.

The fully enclosed Naughty Dog body design is compatible with Shocker SFT aftermarket bolt kits and is outfitted with Autococker compatible barrel threads for a wide range of barrel options. The Naughty Dog bolt guide blends into the Naughty Dog Shocker body styling. The clamping feed neck attaches with a new thread pattern for even greater durability. (feature text provided by Bill Mills)
To much of good thing? When it comes to features that enhance performance, there’s no such thing!

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