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19. August 2005

derder Insult to Injury

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:19

Die neuste DVD ausdem Hause derder „Insult to Injury: The CFOA 2005 DVD“ ist ab sofort vorbestellbar. Die DVD wird 27,95$ kosten und jeder Vorbesteller bekommt einen gratis derder-Stickerbogen. Der Versand von Insult to Injury wird am 22.Spetember starten:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-08-19-i2i_cover.gif[/img]

PSP World Cup Es wird ernst

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:57

Keely Watson hat erste Infos zum Abschlussevent der PSP:The PSP is now gearing up for the final event of the season, the World Cup. This event is the single largest tournament paintball event in the world and will be held at Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, FL October 23rd-30th. We are anticipating one of our largest events ever as well as one of our greatest!The event is set to take place over the course of the week and will culminate with Championship Sunday. The schedule for the event will take place as follows:Open and D1 Xball will run Thursday-SundayD2 and D3 Xball will run Tuesday-SundayOpen and D1 5-man will run Tuesday and WednesdayD2 and D3 5-man will have the option of playing either Thursday-Sunday or Friday-Sunday*.Young Guns will play Saturday and Sunday.* The Friday-Sunday option for D2 and D3 5-man will only be available to a limited number of teams on a first come, first serve basis. The entrance fee for this option will be $1100Championship Sunday will include the finals for all Xball divisions, D2 and D3 5-man, as well as Young Guns. It will showcase the top paintball talent in the world and promises to be the most exciting finals yet!The PSP website will be continuously updated as the event approaches. Check it often for great hotel deals, directions to the site, and other exciting news about the 2005 World Cup.Registration for the event will open Monday, August 29th. While this is our largest event of the year, we still anticipate registration to fill up very quickly.Please remember that registration is a two part process. You must register and pay for your team in order to be guaranteed a spot. Don't miss out on your chance to compete against teams from around the globe in the largest paintball tournament ever!For more information as things move along, check out

XSV Pro School

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:49

Das bekannte US-Proteam XSV wird vor dem Campaign Cup eine Pro School in England abhalten. Dort werden Micah McGlocklin, Davey Williamson und Thomas Taylor euch ihrem enormen Erfahrungschatz teilhaben lassen. Alle weiteren Details hat der P8ntballer für uns zusammmen gestellt:So, think you know it all? Think you are a Pro 'baller already? Well perhaps even you can learn a thing or 4 from the boys on XSV. Coming off the back of 3 straight tournament wins XSV are now the hot team in paintball, and they are coming over to the UK to teach you those killa skills in time for the Campaign CupHere's what organiser Markie C had to say…“XSV will be over in the UK and holding clinics over the weekend of Saturday the 3rd September and Sunday the 4th September, perfect timing just before Campaign Cup. The XSV guys have a wealth and depth of knowledge you would be stupid not to tap into given any opportunity.Hold your horses before you start running to the phone you might need some more info.Who will be there?Micah McGlocklin (PGi writer – what more could you want)Davey Williamson (of the dvd Cereal Killer's fame)Thomas TaylorVenue / Location: The Northern Quarter Training Field minutes away from Manchester Airport.Cost: £49 per Day.Discounts: Book in for both days (It never hurts to go over things) and pay £70.00Teams: For teams of 7 or more players booking and paying at the same time will receive a £5.00 discount per player per day.Air: Supplied On Site and will be FREE of Charge.Food: A FREE Lunch will be served each day. Bring your own drinks etc.Start and Finish Times: On Site and ready to learn at 9:00am and finish at 6:00pmPaint: Feel free to bring your own paint. Or paint will be available at a cheap rate of £27.50 on site.So how do you book in? You can contract Markie C via e-mail at [email protected] he is accepting payment via Pay Pal, Bank / Wire Transfer or with cheques. Or call his mobile on 07773322919Hotels: If you fancy staying over try any of these links that have hotels in the area. Location would be Manchester Airport.…chesterDidsbury…e/rsasFrontpage C is getting his hands on as much promo gear he can at the moment and will be trying to get an XSV goody bag together for each person that attends. I know he will at least have signed XSV Posters for everyone that’s there. Not like this soiree needs sweetening up in any way. Rumour has it that at least one Paintball magazine will be down covering the event and possibly more, so it could also be your moment of fame. Get your ass down there it’s going to be good.Direct:From the NorthM6 towards Manchester junction 20 leave junction 20 to the m56 towards Manchester Airport come off at junction 6.From the SouthM6 towards Manchester then come of at Junction 19 on the A556. Head down the A556 towards Altrincham until you see signs for the M56 junction 8 towards the airport. Get on to the m56 an head down to junction 6 and come off there.For both North and South travellersLeave the M56 at junction 6 (signposted Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Hale), then merge onto unnamed road – Turn right onto Wilmslow Road – A538 Head down the A538 till the airport tunnels just before the tunnels turn right to Ashley and follow the unnamed road. -The unnamed road will bend round to the left and up a hill follow and it’s the 1st left into castle hill farm – follow to the car park at the end.Also please see the link below for a map…=383345&A=Y&Z=3So then folks – what are you waiting for?

16. August 2005


Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:58

STD Industries kündigt ihren JDS Low Pressure Regulator für die Angel an. Veröffentlicht werden soll er im Sommer 2005:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-08-16-angelad.jpg[/img]

Ion Body Kit Lucky Stage 5

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:36

Es gibt ein weiteres Bodykit für die Smart Parts Ion. Dieses nennt sich Lucky Stage 5 und wird es nur 99 mal geben.Folgende Features:- Limitiert auf 99 Stück- Das Kit benutzt den Standard Bolt und Boltstop- Breech, Firing chamber, Rear Donut, Eye Board werden überflüssig/ersetzt- Entnembarer Bolt über die Rear Cap- Aluminium Eye Cover- Neue Eyes sind beigelegt.- Die verfügbaren Farben werden sein: Black, Silver, Red, Blue und uneloxiert.[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-08-16-ionbodykit38ty.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-08-16-ionbodykitback17ft.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-08-16-ionbodykitback26ud.jpg[/img]

NXL Official Standings

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:22

Die Tabelle nach dem letzen Event vor den NXL Playoffs ist online. Die Bosten Red Legion führt die Eastern Conference deutlich mit sechs Tabellenpunkten Vorsprung vor Baltimore Trauma an. Im Westen liegen Chicago Aftershock und die Oakland Assassins mit jeweils 22Punkten an der Spitze. Ob die Bosten Red Legion den Philly Americans dieses Jahr die NXL Krone streitig machen kann erleben wir in den NXL Playoffs.[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2005-08-16-nxl.gif[/img]

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