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25. Februar 2005

Euroball IV

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 13:19

Die Pressemeldung der Euroball-Orga:Euroball IV findet nicht stattLeider ist es uns nicht gelungen, genügend Teams für den Euroball IV am 5./6. März in Münster zu gewinnen. Dies hat unweigerlich den Ausfall der Veranstaltung zur Folge, da die Finanzierung nicht gesichert werden kann. Es tut uns leid, dass wir Euch nächste Woche nicht in die Halle Münsterland einladen können, wir haben bis zur letzten Sekunde für die Durchführung des Euroballs gekämpft.Was die Zukunft mit sich bringt, lässt sich nun natürlich noch nicht sagen. Die Webseite wird auf jeden Fall online bleiben, da wir noch so manchen Plan in der Schublade liegen haben. Natürlich ist es bitter für Spieler, Händler, Sponsoren und die Crew, dass wir den Euroball nicht veranstalten können. Doch wie es so schön im Englischen heißt:He who fights and runs awayLives to fight another dayAlle Teams, die ihre Startgelder überwiesen haben, bekommen diese unverzüglich zurückerstattet. Startgelder, die bereits überwiesen wurden, aber noch nicht bei uns eingetroffen sind, überweisen wir selbstverständlich sofort nach dem Eingang zurück.Sollte es weitere Fragen geben, könnt Ihr Euch gerne an wenden, wir helfen Euch gerne weiter.An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns auch bei den vielen unermüdlichen Helfern bedanken, die uns in all den Jahren unterstützt haben. Ohne Euch hätte es niemals einen Euroball gegeben!Grüße,Die Euroball-Crew

BUMFIGHT: 5 Man Turnier im Paintball Temple

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:45

Bumfight – so nennt sich das Low Cost Turnier am 13.03. im Paintball Temple in Westernhohe. Bei dem Event können maximal 14 Teams im 5 Man Capture the Flag Format gegeneinander antreten. Die Spielzeit beläuft sich auf vier Minuten. Das Turnier wird im Round Robin Format gespielt.

149,- € beträgt die Startgebühr und die Paint ist BYO. Das Marshalling wird vom Team "MIB" übernommen und zur Anmeldung soll man sich an [email protected] wenden.

24. Februar 2005

Who Dares Plays: Pressemitteilung über die gesponsorten Teams 2005

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:40

In der heute veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung von WDP, erklärt der Hersteller aus Manchester welche Teams in der Saison 2005 weiterhin WDP gesponsort sind. Die gesponsorten Teams werden nicht nur in der Pressemitteilung genannt, sondern ihre Erfolge des letzten Jahres sind in hochlobenden Text verpackt.

The beginning of Last season saw WDP teams targeted by rival manufacturers. Teams like Dynasty, Stoned Assassins, Avalanche, Russian Legion and Fat ladies Charms were all picked off in big money deals, and WDP were faced with rebuilding their entire stable.

In '04, New Pro-team Arsenal were formed and quickly replaced Dynasty as WDP's #1 US Pro Team. Arsenal had an incredible start to the season placing 4th at their first ever event, NPPL Huntington Beach '04 and went on to win their first NPPL event in Madrid, beating Dynasty in the final. Arsenal ended their first season ranked 5th in the NPPL Pro series after holding 2nd place all year.

WDP's top European team, Joy Division had their best ever season in 04 and finished the season placed 7th in the NPPL Pro Division making them the highest ranked European team in 04. They also placed 2nd in the EXL , losing only to the formidable Russian Legion throughout the entire EXL Season. Playing as Team SWEDEN, Joy also successfully became Nation Cup Winners for the 5th year in a row in Madrid, defeating Team USA.

Team Rage made the change to Angels for the '04 season and after 5 NPPL Event appearances finished up placing 8th position in the NPPL Pro rankings with all eyes set on doing some serious damage in '05.

New team ‘The Edge', made up mainly of Hostile Kids (HK Army) and WDP's own CJ Jackson, emerged as serious Amateur contenders. MOD, Texas Nitro, Bliss, Porn Kings (Norway), Syndicate (Germany), Derange, Richmond Riot, Chop Shop, Circle Factory and Black Mamba's (Mexico) all joined the WDP stable and have impressed their sponsors.

WDP are pleased to announce that their sponsored teams will remain the same for '05, and what a season it looks to be!

Arsenal have been training non-stop for the entire winter. Moving to the sunny climates of San Antonio and living in connecting apartments, the guys have been under the strict training programs of Tony Baretta, former PRO Baseball Player and owner of forthcoming MVP Sports Park, also based in San Antonio. The Arsenal guys have been put through intensive training on the paintball field and in the gym, improving speed, agility and strength and are now ready to be unleashed for the '05 season.

Joy Division spent the harsh Scandinavian winter at indoor fields training 5 times a week using their forthcoming product, Reball, and have been streamlining themselves for an all out assault on the '05 season. As a reward for their hard work and to assist them in their NPPL ambitions WDP has signed a big money deal with Joy for the 05 Season. Magued Idris, Team Captain and Coach, made the trip over to WDP recently to sign the contract. He said of the new deal, „To be backed up by the best marker in the World and all other things WDP brings is just a blessing. We are excited that we will wear the Airtime Apparel and shoot the Angels, and we are grateful that WDP is giving us the opportunity to compete against the top teams in the US. WDP shows us again, as they have done for 8 years, that they believe in us. They have built this team from the start and we will not disappoint them!“

As if all this wasn't enough, Team Rage have been rumoured to make at least one big name Pro signing going in to the new season. Talks are in place and nothing can be confirmed as of yet, but we can rest assured that Rage will be one of the most aggressive and exciting teams to watch on the circuit this year.

WDP look forward to an action packed season with such an exciting selection of sponsored teams on board and wishes the best of luck to them all.

WDP's Sponsored Teams can be seen in action at the NPPL Super 7 World Series Huntington Beach 2005 event and throughout the entire series. See or


Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 12:19

[img]../newsimages/herstellerlogos/2005-02-24-tippmann.gif[/img]Mit der Custom Pro E erweitert Tippman seine Produktpalette ab dem 07.03.2005um eine neue Markierervariante. Die Ausstattungsdetails der Custom Pro E sind folgende:

  • Semi Automatic
  • 11″ Quick Thread High Performance Stone-Honed Barrel
  • 5 Electronic firing modes: Semi Auto, Turbo, 3 Shot Burst, Auto Response, and Full Auto.
  • Double Trigger System
  • Drop Forward
  • All Aluminum Die Cast Receiver
  • Fully Customizable Receiver
  • Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Braided Gas Line
  • Removable Front Grip to Accept Expansion Chambers and Vertical Tanks
  • New Durable Silver Nickel or Black Finish
  • Requires 9 Volt Battery (not included)
  • 200 Round Hopper
  • [*]Maintenance kit includes: Allen wrench set, spare tank o'ring, marker lube, and cleaning cable

[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-02-24-tippmann-custom-pro-e.jpg[/img] Neue Spielerinnen online

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:49

Wie man in der Presseerklärung der Syndicatz lesen konnte verstärken zum Seasonbeginn fünf neue Spielerinnen den Syndicatz Kader. Neben den neun „alten“ Catz kann man nun seit heute die fünf Neuzugänge auf der Catz-Homepage zu bewundern.

Paintball Games International: #192 – The Great Marker Hunt Issue

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 09:47

Der neue Monat naht und damit auch eine neue Paintball Games International. Es ist mittlerweile die 192. Ausgabe und sie ist dem vor kurzem verstorbenen Hunter S. Thompson gewidmet. Sie enthält neben Guntests der Assasins Ripper Intimidator, der Naughty Dogs Freestyle und der Chipley 05 auch Informationen zum wechseln von Jon Richardson zu XSV, Tactics & Tipps und vieles mehr.

Dedicated to tha founder of Gonzo Journalism, Hunter S Thompson (RIP), PGI eschews sharks in favour of far more dangerous game: Top end markers. Yep, we locked our bionic-fingered gear monkeys into a lab with three new guns and made them shoot each other until their major intestines went into spasm. (What, you never shot a gun enough to make that happen to yourself? Pussy…)

The three guns that sent our monkeys to tha ER, in case you were wondering, are the Assassins Ripper Timmy, Naughty Dogs Freestyle and Chipley 05.

Anyhoo, because we felt bad at hospitalizing our simian friends, we made sure to fill tha rest of the magazine with dead interesting stuff, so they could convalesce without getting bored…

  • Who Shot JR? Jon Richardson explains exactly why he quit Infamous, Rusty Glaze tells us just how his departure will effect them
  • Appliance of Science: Robbo brings Einstein and Newton to tha field of play
  • Accuracy Drills: Philly American's super shooter Snack gives us their top secret field diagrams and drills
  • Set plays and how to win 'em: Rocky Knuth reveals all
  • Beast Man: DynoBeast Brad Maughn's tactics for big boned ballers
  • Take your pick: Micah McGlocklin's guide to recruiting (And no, it isn't just a case of offering JR a gazillion bucks)

PLUS: Catalunya Open, Canadian National Champs, Inside Syndicate, Cereal Killerz, Pro Gear, Paintball in South Africa, Why YOU are destroying Paintball and all the latest gear reviews, news, rumor, lies and scandal you've come to expect from us.

PGI – When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

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