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30. Dezember 2004

Equilizer Nerve Bolt

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 14:44

Zwar wirbt Smart Part damit, dass bei der Nerve kein weiteres Tuning mehr nötig ist, doch steigert der Equlizer die Performance nochmals. Auf hundert verschossene Bälle zeigte sich eine durchschnittliche Steigerung um 10Fps am Chroni. Weil der ND Equilizer aus Delrin gefertigt wurde ist natürlich auch kein Fetten notwendig. Der Bolt ist sehr gut verarbeitet und zeigt keine Fräs- oder Drehspuren.New Designz richtet sich mit dem Equilizer also an alle Nerve-Owner die das letzte Quäntchen Performance aus ihrem High-End-Markierer herausquetschen wollen.Vielen dank an [url=““]Paint Xtreme[/url].[img]../newsimages/reviews/2004-12-30-nervebolt2.jpg[/img]

CFOA goes International

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:53

In einer Pressemitteilung erklärt die CFOA, dass sie ein Abkommen mit der Paintball Games International (PGI) hat und diese von den acht Events berichten wird.

December 28, 2004: The Carolina Field Owners Association, presented by National Paintball Supply, is going International for the 2005 tournament season! As the new year, and with it, the new season, rapidly approaches, the CFOA continues to search for new and better ways to bring its valued players the recognition they deserve. In an agreement reached today, the CFOA is pleased to announce that one of the most well-known and widely respected names in the paintball media, Paintball Games International (PGI) magazine, will provide feature coverage of every 2005 CFOA event!

With eight events planned for such locales as Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Greenville, Greensboro and other locations throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia in 2005, the Carolina Field Owners Association, presented by National Paintball Supply, will award tens of thousands in cash and prizes to its players at each of its tournaments. Featuring rookie, novice and amateur five-man competition at the best paintball fields in the region, the CFOA provides a highly competitive but family-friendly environment in which professionals and players new to tournament-level competition can enjoy the sport they love.

The Carolina Field Owners Association is growing at a mind boggling rate, stated CFOA Sponsorship Coordinator Joshua D. Silverman, who continued, and this rapid growth rate is thanks entirely to our wonderful players. To add more media coverage, especially coverage from a magazine as respected as PGI, is just another way we can provide our great players with the recognition they deserve for coming out and playing hard.

PGI Editor Ant Jones commented: „Larry, Josh, Rob and the rest of the team have put together such a great tournament series in such a short time that we thought they really deserved some recognition for their efforts. If every region was lucky enough to have a local series this impressive, our sport would be growing at twice the rate it is now. We're proud to be giving our support to these guys – 103 teams per event….wow!“

For more information on the Carolina Field Owners Association, including a complete list of sponsors, prizes, events and forums, visit the official league website online at . To learn more about Paintball Games International and stay plugged into the world of paintball, visit them online at and look for Paintball Games International on a local newsstand.

Larry Motes
[email protected]

29. Dezember 2004 – Dos and donts at tryouts

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:11

Dinge welche man bei einem Tryout tun und welche man tunlichst unterlassen sollte, darüber berichtet heute die US Site Wir haben den Artikel für Euch.

Jason Casebolt is a former Captain of Tippmann Effect. He is a long time player that led a team that was laughed upon to a team that was feared during his tenurship. Jason is now the General Manager of Thrill Zone.

As the beginning of a new season draws near, new teams are starting to have tryouts for the 2005 season. Everyone wants to play for a sponsored team, every one thinks they have game, but what do sponsored teams really look for? Having conducted tryouts for a national team in the past, I will share a few quick commandments that will automatically flag you to the cut list.

1. Though shall not shoot with the wrong hand!

See… I can shoot left handed
There is no excuse at the National Tournament Level for someone to have not mastered the art of shooting with their off hand. Shooting out the side of the bunker with the wrong hand gives your opponents a larger profile by exposing your off shoulder. Above all else to consider, not shooting with your off hand makes you look stupid as well. Anyone that I noticed that could not do this was automatically cut from the tryouts. Even if they were a decent player, not shooting off handed showed me that they lacked the discipline to learn to shoot off handed and did not deserve a spot on the team.

2. Though shall not talk me to death with stories from your last team!

Doesn't he ever shut up?!?!?
Those that keep telling old stories about their old team, will tell stories about your team. Not every team has skeletons in the closet, but teams are a close knit group of people who might not wish to have everything about themselves spread around. In addition, if your team was a local team, I do not care about stories about them. I have my own stories to tell. If you already annoy me in the first day that I meet you, then there is a good bet that you will annoy me during the season that we would spend together. Keep your trap shut and just blend in. “This one time at band camp. . .” is the quickest way to annoy someone.

3. Though shall be in good shape!

He's faster than I am…
Teams that look for people, look for these things. Athletic talent, great experience, or a combination of both. Those with both experience and athletisism are usually recruited or already on sponsored teams. If you are trying out for a team, chances are that the people on the team have more experience than you. Your best bet is to be in better shape than those that are on the team. This is not that impossible if you are younger than the people on the team.

During tryouts, if I saw a kid with blazing fast speed and little experience, I knew two things: he would eventually get experience and he might still have his speed by then. If I saw a fat guy with a lot of experience I knew that he would still be fat and eventually the younger kids would have as much, if not more experience than his Subway-eating-self.

Long story short, if you want to get someone to pay the bills for you next year, you have to be above average. The average player cannot shoot with their off hand. The average player bores people to death with pointless stories. The average player is not in good shape. Take this to heart, this is how I measured a player trying out for my team… and I was nice.

Tonton Shocker

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 21:42

Neue Bilder der TonTon Shocker. Diesmal in groß, schön und aussagekräftig! Die Bilder anklicken zum vergrößern:

The Euro Tour – European Paintball Competition

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:04

Die neuste DVD von derder ist ab sofort für $24,95 erhältlich. Die „The Euro Tour“ DVD behandelt auf ihren vierzig Minuten die Events in Amsterdam, Toulouse und Stockholm. The Euro Tour – Trailer[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-12-29-euro_tour.gif[/img]Die Jungs von derder selber beschreiben die DVD wiefolgt:Paintball teams throughout the world travel tirelessly to proveone thing . . . it's not about the money, nor is it about the fame. It's about being the best in the world.Continuing our unique style of editing with intense highlightsand amazing up-close coverage, „Euro Tour“ is anothermust-see DVD for all serious paintball players.

FB Radio: The Year End Spectacular

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 12:45

Die letze FB Radioshow dieses Jahres mit aktuellen News, einem Ausblick in 2005 und einem Jahresrückblick von 2004: FB Radio: The Year End Spectacular

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